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Spain, like the majority of European countries, has a Cadastre. The Spanish Cadastre is an administrative register held by the state. It is divided into three sections pertaining to the geometric, fiscal and legal domains. The Cadastre is a fundamental source of reference for all planning and developing of urban or rural areas. It determines the amount of taxes associated with the property and guarantees the legal certainty of property rights.

Buying a property in Spain, like any of our European counterparts has its own particularities. It is our mission to guide you through the steps from the beginning right up to the completion of your project.

In order to clarify and plan your project as precisely as possible, we will offer you an initial individual meeting. During this meeting we will listen to your needs and expectations carefully and offer you advice, our objective is to hear you first and then present you with proposals that meet or surpass your expectations

Visits will be organised by us, depending on your availability. Once you have decided to buy a property, the first step will be to reserve the property by paying an advance. Then, unless you have already done so, you can move forward with the initial administrative steps.

First you will need to request a NIE (Número de Identidad del Extranjero), this is a tax identification number and is required for the purchase or sale of any real estate within Spain. This number is also indispensable when carrying out other administrative steps such as opening a bank account, necessary for the transfer of funds or for registering with service providers such as electricity, telephone, insurances etc...

You will need to open a bank account from which to transfer the funds.

The second step will be the signature of an agreement to sell; this will be signed by you and the seller or CB properties as mandate. Signing the agreement to sell is a commitment to sign the definitive sales act in front of the notary at a later, fixed date under the conditions agreed between you and the seller. The amount deposited to reserve the property until the deed is signed, is also stated in the agreement to sell.

The choice of Notary for the signature of the official deed, also known as "Escritura" or "Escritura de Compra Venta", is given to the buyer. As in other European countries, the buyer is responsible for paying the taxes so it is common practice that he should choose the Notary.

We can of course assist you in the choice of a competent and reputed Notary in the area where you choose to buy your future property.



Are you looking for an apartment to rent on the sea front ? Or maybe a house or a bungalow close to a school, or even a flat in the centre of town ?

Whatever your needs, CB Propriétés can offer you a large selection of real-estate property on long term rent, thanks to our extensive network

Our mission will be to find you the right type of property in the area that you desire.

Through guided visits along with the Agent responsible for your file, you will be able to fully appreciate the offers that we have to show you. Once you have made your choice, our agent will carry out the negotiations with the landlord and produce the necessary documents.

Upon reception of the keys, an inventory of fixtures will be carried out, the landlord will receive a deposit and the renting contract will be signed.

Once all of these formalities have been carried out, you will receive the keys to your new home or office.